Worked closely with Mary Flanagan, Viviana Ramos, Max Seidman, Zara Downs, Sukdith Punjasthitkul, and Geoff Kaufman.
National Science Foundation - “Transforming Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) for Women and Girls: Reworking Stereotypes & Bias”
Reduce gender bias and broaden participation in the STEM fields by creating game designs informed by psychological theory and research.
Researched psychology behind social biases, prototyped content and game mechanisms, ran user testing, gathered game feedback, supported facilitation of psychology experiments, conducted user outreach through visits to local middle schools.
The Tiltfactor team conducted psychological studies with Awkward Moment in Upper Valley, NH & VT schools.
Through practice responding to situations of bias and fostering discussion, players increase tolerance against stereotype threat and other forms of biases.
Awkward Moment exposes players to situations of bias in subtle and entertaining ways to elicit the best response from each player’s hand. Players practice responding to “moments” of bias by selecting their most fitting reaction.
Initial data suggests that Awkward Moment strengthens associations between women and STEM and inspires greater assertiveness in confronting social bias.
I carried out prototyping for the game concept and mechanics, helped generate game deck content, and assisted facilitation of research studies.
Later, I helped research and contact suppliers for a professional production run of Awkward Moment.